Development and Evaluation of a Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamic and Pollutant Transport Model for Shallow Water Bodies Using Unstructured Grids

Synopsis: This research proposed the development of a two-dimensional hydrodynamic and pollutant transport model for shallow water bodies using unstructured grids. The model consists of two modules: hydrodynamic and mass transport. The hydrodynamic module utilizes the Saint Venant equations to quantify water circulation, while the mass transport module represents the transport of a conservative scalar under the influence of physical processes. The model’s application includes a simplified case study involving a circular lagoon and the Guaíba river, showing promising results.

My responsibilities involved the development and implementation of the hydrodynamic and mass transport model using unstructured grids, ensuring the model accurately represents water circulation and pollutant transport in shallow water bodies. Additionally, I evaluated the model’s performance through various simulations and comparisons with existing models and analytical solutions.

Outcomes: An unstructured grid hydrodynamic and pollutant transport model. The model demonstrated improved conservation of volume compared to an existing model in the case of the circular lagoon. In the simulated scenario of the Guaíba river, the unstructured grid model accurately represented meanders, grooves, constrictions, and channel expansions, showing its relevance to real-life situations. The use of a flow limiter in pollutant transport simulations proved to be more efficient than central differences schemes, with both methods producing insignificant errors when compared to the ecosystem’s magnitude.


  • Estratégia de adaptação automática de malhas triangulares em malhas mistas, XIX Simpósio Brasileiro de Recursos Hı́dricos. Maceió, Brazil. 2011.
  • Development of a two-dimensional unstructured hydrodynamic model for subtropical aquatic ecosystems, Workshop on Lake Ecosystem Modelling. Silkeborg, Denmark. 2010.


  • Pereira, F.F., Fragoso Jr, Uvo, C.B., Collishonn, W., Motta Marques, D.M.L. (2013) Assessment of numerical schemes for solving advection-diffusion equation on unstructured grids : case study of river Guaı́ba, Brazil, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, v. 20, p. 1113-1125.
  • Pereira, F.F., Fragoso Jr, Collishonn, W., Motta Marques, D.M.L. (2013) An unstructured grid and depth-integrated hydrodynamic and scalar transport model (in Portuguese), Brazilian Journal of Water Resources, v. 18, p. 7-18.

Master’s thesis:

  • Pereira, Fábio Farias (2010) 2D, Unstructured Grid, Hydrodynamic and Transport Model for Shallow Lakes. (in Portuguese), Instituto de Pesquisas Hidráulicas, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2010.